no assembly today
reached sch met amelia and shiyun
forgotten to bring malay hwk tht was supposed to be handed in today
bcos i chged my bag to make it "as light as possible" like ms chew said
cikgu junaidah so gd
she said i could hand it on monday
but i must rmb haha
i hope i do
ms tan dint come so,
we did some past tense exercise with our earpiece
back thn i couldnt wait for the NEWater thing
went to spc to buy some food
walked out of it thn khaliesah say she want to buy anothr thing
so, i bought anothr thing too
oreos..until nw i havent eat yet
nvm can share with my sister
2c went up the bus first
our class had to walk out of sch to our bus
why cant he drive it in
useless bus driver
the bus was smelly whn we entered
he smokes
sat with khaliesah and jingyuan sat near us
it was suppose to be me and jy only
but teacher said tht we could have 3 ppl
the teacher sucks except ms chew
whtvr the teacher's name was tht took our class
idc, they suck
especially the chinese one
her face like ..
only can be said to limited "friends"
she nags more than my aunt
my aunt is like, considered very naggy alrd
the driver looks like he want to kill ppl
eat chewing gum like tht
nv offer somemore
eevvviillll~ xD
reached NEWater
its opposite whr i live! ;D
ok back to the NEWater
some ppl took pictures of the water
like nv see water b4 LOL
went in, smelled bad
teachr lied, she said it doesnt smell bad
bt it was better upstairs
keep on sitting,standing up
this learning journey wasnt fun at all
2 teachrs like say bad thing about the students
loudly like we (tht are sitting near them) cant hear thm
i rly want to say fk u to thm
kurang ajar teachrs & so childish
went back to sch
missed the new bus 3
bcos i dint want to run
the next one was old but
anyways its like we waited for siti
me and siti were like crazy ppl in the bus
whn the upp sec guy left the bus thn we go wave at thm LOL
thn he wave back at siti haha..
kept on laughing with siti in the bus
thn khaliesah bcome like amelia alrd
emo..whn listening to music
thn aftr they left
i alone lah like almost evryday


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