Summarized Taiwan Family Trip, Day 4

Day 4 is gonna be a short one because not much pics :(
Linking the days make me wanna turn back time to June...
D1 || D2 || D3

Anyways, we started the day with brunch at this Japanese place at a street behind the apartment we stayed at~
 This chicken + egg + cheese rice was the most yumms!

I think I actually enjoyed this day the most among all the other days (d1,d2,d3) haha because it felt more like what I would define as a real holiday- a free and easy, wake up late, go eat yummy food and dessert and exploring new streets kinda day :D
But, not for my grandparents cos they stayed in the apartment the whole day except dinner time. My grandpa was still angry over what happened the day before.. (refer to d3)

Anyways, mom, sister and I and 2 other aunts went to walk the malls around 101 Taipei.
I bought like an outfit at 2 different malls haha ~ a pair of canvas shoes, polka dot top and casual pants.
 We actually didn't even go into 101 Taipei mall haha!
Aunt made a reservation for dinner this time but because my grandparents and other aunts were not there yet, they almost wanted to give the table to other people, yeah there were that much people!! 
My sis and I sat with our grandparents on one table and everyone else at another table nearby.
At first I was a bit scared of my moody grandpa but the dinner went well ! He seemed really happy like smiling and laughing after dinner & it's because of my sis haha sometimes I wonder how different things were, like for the better or worse? without my sis :\ 

After dinner, mom and one of my aunt took a cab back with my grandparents, and the rest of us went to walk around. It was like really lively at night at those streets. There was this dessert shop we saw the other day and at night it was packed with people too & just nice there was this man passing out pamphlets of another dessert shop called Mango King.
 Stopped by some shops along the way..
 Sat in front of this two cute kids! Their parents were behind them, they weren't alone lol
Where can you get this generous amount in one plate of dessert in SG??? This plate converted to SG price is only like $6/7 !!

We were trying our luck to get a cab because cabs in Taiwan or maybe Taipei, I don't know, only accepts 4 passengers and there were five of us so my aunt just kindly asked but! the rude cab driver like scolded her and even said if she was from the village area and drove away. Wahh seriously!! Damn rude ?!

Well, since it was like kinda late already so there weren't much people, we just took the train home. For visitors, you can pay for a one way use kinda chip and you scan it like normal transport cards in SG do but at the exit, you must drop it into the slot for the gate to open unlike the one in SG where you can actually 'buy' the card for $1..


And just some of the songs on repeat mode..

Gonna have to start up my engine to study again! Been spending my time on nothing the last few days after my 2 presentations ended..

Good night! x


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